
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year!

Everything has been crazy around here.. Ok, it's always crazy here but it was even more than normal. It all started with my son. Yep, if you have kids then you know how crazy it can get.

So on December 8th we get a call from the high school saying Matt needs to go to the hospital that he hurt his knee playing basketball. We picked him up from school and we knew something was seriously wrong. He couldn't walk on it at all.

We get him down to the ER and they took X-rays of his knee. They find a ligament that has pulled off the femur and broke a small piece off. Luckily there was a ortho surgeon was already there. He made us an appointment for the 9th.

We go to the appointment and the doctor tells me that he must have dislocated his knee completely. Generally when this happens they tear more ligaments than the one he tore. He suspected 3-4 more things at least wrong.

So the next week we went in for the MRI. The doctor took that week off so we didn't have another appointment until the 22nd. Now during this entire time he was in a full leg brace and on crutches. He wasn't allow to walk on his leg at all. So we had to pretty much do everything for him. We did however get to sneak out for gun season weekend.

Extended gun season weekend was horrible! We didn't see anything! We had plenty of tracks around my stand but they wasn't moving at all during day light hours. Not to mention my poor stand was in a pond! Yes a pond. All this Rain we've been having caused a huge area around my stand to flood. It was over ankle deep! So I had to wade to my stand in my bogs. I've never been more grateful for waterproof boots:)

We went in on the 22nd for Matt's appointment. The doctor looked over the scans and told us that when he dislocated his knee the femur and the shin bone ground against each other. He bruised the heads of both bones. He didn't see any other fracture, other than the original one from the ligament and instead of tearing ligaments he stretch them.

So now his right knee cap sets to far to the right. Now we could choose surgery to fix it but even fixed he runs a high risk of dislocating it again. We chose to wait and use a knee brace to push it into the proper position until February. If he doesn't have another dislocation or pain then we will hold off on surgery longer. Unfortunately, he will always need the knee brace for sports and gym.

Now all this was a great Christmas present for us. Stretching the ligament was so much better than tearing it. So we finally got to concentrate on Christmas. We held off on the Christmas tree to see if Matt would be able to participate in recording it. Since he got the go a head to stet walking on his knee, we put up the tree on the 23.

After the tree was put up my white boxer/lab started barking at the angel tree topper. For whatever reason it freaked her out. We got her calmed down and didn't think about it after that.

So on Christmas eve we went to one of my sisters house. While we was gone the dog knocked over our tree and ate the angel! Yep, we came home to distraction. Ornaments, lights, branches, and everything chewed. We had a huge mess. So we had to clean it all up and decided not to try it again this year.

Other than our bah humbug boxer, we had a wonderful Christmas. The kids loved their gifts and we went and visited my oldest sister too. It was a day filled with wonderful food and family. Nobody can have a better day than that:)

So since Christmas things have still been chaotic. More closer to normal but not there just yet. It'll be that way until the kids go back to school on the 5th. We haven't had a chance to go hunting this past week even though we've all been having D.T.'s.

We thought about going tomorrow but Willie has to be at work at 4pm for a 16 hour shift. So we still can't get any hunting in until Monday:( Hopefully it'll all be back tomorrow and I'll be back in my stand and will actually see some more deer!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I'm sorry to hear about all that chaos. I hope everything works out with Matt's leg! Don't worry you'll get back to your stand soon! I've been practically living in mine since Christmas. The Wife and kids chipped in and bought me a set of these tree stands. I have them set up all over where I hunt now and I'm loving it. I've gotten 2 bucks and a doe in less than a month since I got the stands! Me and my wife have been eating venison sandwiches like they're going out of style!
