
About Me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Stephanie, I am a SAHM to two wonderful teenagers Matthew and Makayla. I am married to a wonderful man named Willie. He's a pain in the ass but I couldn't live without him.

Being a SAHM, my days is mainly spent cooking, cleaning, or taking care of our animals. We have a pug mix named Puppy, our cat Cream Saver, and of course we have chickens! Our current Coup contains Australorp, Easter Eggers, White Brahmas, Bantams, Golden Comet and Black Giants.

During the warm months you can find me out in the garden. I love being able to have fresh veggies available for my recipes. Of course, I can! There is nothing better than homemade pickles, salsa, or pickled peppers.

I swear by home cooking. There is nothing better than fresh baked bread, spaghetti sauce, or one of the other many tried and true recipes. I love making taco's and grilling homemade tortillas for my family. It's such a great feeling knowing that you have spent that time and love into making sure everything is perfect for them.

I am also a hunter! Yep, when I get the chance I love going and climbing into a tree stand, listening to the birds while waiting for a deer to come a long. My husband introduced me to it a while back and all though I am a city girl, I can't deny the lure of the woods.

Then of course, the days when I need a break or there is nothing to do you ca find me curled up with a good book or watching television.

Find me on Facebook at or twitter as @OK_hunting_Gal