
Friday, November 11, 2011

Sad times in Scioto County

As my previous blog said, I shot my first deer. It happen to be a buck, He was only a 3 point from what we could tell. When he came in the first time his Right side was 2 pts and the second time he was a unicorn horn on his left. Not an impressive deer but still mine.

We couldn't find him on that first day as we scared him and he ran a second time. We ended up going back in on Monday with Nick and Brother in law Jon. They decided the would help us in the efforts of finding him. We started back to wear we last saw him. There was no blood trail so we had to guess where he would've went. We searched but came up empty handed.

So to my disappointment I joined in the lost a deer club. We ended up not going out to hunt on Monday. We figured with us running most of the 100 acres on Sunday and Monday searching for the deer might have spooked them. So we went back out on Tuesday. Two does came through in the creek area but Nick didn't have a good shot on it.

On Wedsnday, Nick seen a Buck (8 pt) coming across the ridge around area 1 and was heading down towards the single man which is right across the creek from me. He ended up going down towards Area 2. We had a good storm coming in and we headed out.

Thursday it was me and Nick. Willie had to work a 16 hour shift and decided he wanted sleep more than a deer. Yeah crazy huh! As we was driving down the road to our hunting area to the right is a big pond. As we was driving pass I was checking out the steep hill that runs down to it from the road and guess what I seen? A 10pt (at least) Buck! We stopped the truck, lucky for us it was a residential street without much traffic and we jumped out with bino's. He was awesome. He had 2 does down there with him at that time (no deer porn was going on). So we was excited to see some good activity and we wanted to hurry to the stands.

As we walked over the hill, we seen a dog running through! We've had some issues with dogs on the properties but we crossed our finger's and hoped it wouldn't come back through. I had just settled in when I heard a crashing. Heart pounding I looked over to my left and seen something coming down the hill... Once it got out in the opening I realized it was another dog! This one was covered in blood, too. The dog wasn't acting like it was wounded so I figured he found my buck somewhere.

Today we was out as soon as Nick was off of work this morning. Willie went to Area 1, I was in my normal stand, and Nick by the creek. We was there from 8:30am-11:30am. The only person that seen anything was Willie. He was coming down the large hill that is between Area 1 and Nick's creek stand. As he was coming down this steep hill he noticed a doe standing at Nicks stand. She was sniffing the ladder! Nick of course was not in the stand as he decided to leave early. He had called Willie to meet him there and they'd come down to my area. Well Nick got impatient and left before Willie got there. As he was coming my way he had scared the deer that was on it's way to my stand. It had ran to his and then Willie scared it again. Poor deer, we may do more killing by heart attack then with the bows.

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