
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Doe down.. Big 9 spotted

Time to catch everyone up since the last post..

On Friday September 30th and Saturday October 1st we didn't go out since the guys worked 16 hour shifts those days from 8am till midnight.

However we was back out in the stands Sunday evening. Nick decided he was hunting the blind, Willie was hunting the creek stand, and I was back in my stand by the cornfield.

The cornfield was pretty quiet that evening. Well as quiet as the crickets, birds, and squirrels would let it be. For whatever reasons this part is always loud. The crickets start their chorus each night about 5pm. When this happens you just about need ear plugs! The doe didn't make an appearance that night but I did however hear some crunching going on over the little hill. Never seen anything so I figured it was squirrels.

Nick's area was pretty well quiet too. He was texting me the entire night complaining of smelling deer. I thought he was being funny but what we didn't know was Willie had went through and sprayed buck bomb on trees.

Willie being by the creek was on a good spot and happen to be at the right time too. Two does came through just as the sun was setting. Of course, he doesn't miss and he thumps her right in the lungs.

This being my second year of hunting finally got to go on my first blood trail hunt. I did find out that my city roots show... Yep once I'm in the woods (even ones I know in daylight hours) I get lost easy. The guys made fun of me as I was trying to figure out which path I was on.

We trailed her back to the main path and she was maybe 10 yards from where we go into the creek area. Of course we decided to take my Jimmy that day so we didn't have the 4 wheelers with us. No worries though it's a 4x4 and we just drove to her. We slung her up on top of the Jimmy and strapped her to the luggage rack.

Monday October 3
Yesterday was Joni's birthday and she decided she would finally come out with us. She wanted the creek stand since it's been successful twice since opening day last week. Willie and Nick was in the blind while I was yet again in the two man.

Joni had no luck. The only thing she seen was a fat grey squirrel. Nick and Willie was coming up with nothing too. I however heard a bunch of ruckus over the little hill. I had my bow in the corner of the gun rail and when I stood up to turkey peek around.. My bow was bumped and off it went.

Yes I did my first hunting foul. I threw my bow off:( I guess we all have to do it at some point. So if there had been something over that hill, it would have ran. So I climb down to inspect my bow and Willie comes over to have a look too. He did however put me a Primos bow hook up! Hopefully I'll have nomore hunting fouls:)

My bow was fine! Luckily the doinker caught it and saved my limbs. So he climbs up in the two man with me while to wait out the last 30 minutes. Just my luck.. Nothing showed up.

Tuesday October 4
Today everyones back in their original places. Willies in the blind, Nick by the creek, and I'm by the cornfield. Nick is texting me about how he's watching the Big 9 cross the creek. Now the only time we've seen him was the week before rut and during rut. This year we finally caught him on the trail cam.

The time on the trail cam was 2:30am. So we are figuring he's nocturnal until around rut. So I knew Nick was just trying to rile me up. Now from 5pm on I'm hearing stuff over the hill. Branches breaking and birds would randomly fly off. I was on high alert all evening.

I have been expecting that doe to come through since yesterday. She had been making an appearance every other day and she failed to do it yesterday. So I thought she might have been slowly making her way my way.

For days I've been hearing stuff right over the hill. I can see some of it but a lot is blocked by trees. I end up doing a lot of peeking around to try and get a heads up if somethings coming up that path.

The sun finally sets and just as we start getting ready to climb down the stand I hear a crash. So there I am again trying to look around trees into the haunted forest. About 10-15 minutes before sunset I loose a lot of visibility over there. So I'm ready to shoot if it pops up but nothing ever comes up and over.

So I gather my stuff up and up comes Willie telling me that when he climbed out of the blind he could see my Big 9 with a doe at the bottom of the path that leads up and over the hill to my stand. By this point even if he showed up it would be too late to shoot! So I'm pouting because he was so close and just wouldn't come over to the cornfield.

Nick makes his way over to us and he too seen him! Willie didn't even scare them when he came through. So Nick was telling me about how close to my stand he was. So not fair!!

We decided that tomorrow I'm going to hunt the other side of the hill. I'll either take in a climber or throw a one man up early in the morning. I haven't seen anything but one doe that went through twice. For some reason they are not coming to the cornfield yet and are staying just out of my vision and shot. Time to change plans now!

I'm extremely excited that he finally made an appearance during shooting time. I'm hoping that I'll have a chance tomorrow at him or at least one of the does that have been running through there.

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