
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trailer lights and Feeder's!

We started today with trying to get the trailer light to work! Ugh, We stress safety and of course at time it can be irritating. But with my son doing it we try to insure that no matter how frustrated we get we have to make sure that everything we do is the proper way. So the guys went down and purchased new lights and redid them. Now they work properly and we can't get in to trouble for running around with it. 

After the trailer was all done we went to start working on the 55 gallon feeder. Now I know here most places's will sell you these barrels pretty cheap. Willie's brother works at a Pork Rind factory and they have these barrels there full of lard. He got us two to start with and we decided today would be a good day to turn one into a feeder.

We started off by taking the barrel to the car wash. We used the high pressure hose to wash it out. Since the barrel had lard in it we used Dawn dish liquid to help cut the grease. We didn't want greasy corn lol.

Since the rain started while they was working on the trailer we didn't want to stand out in the rain so we ended up taking everything to the front porch. All we used was a feeder motor which we picked up at Wal-mart, Dremmel, Drill, black marker, and the Barrel.

Cutting the hole
Step 1: We first  found the middle of the barrel and marked it out. We marked how large the circle needed to be for the funnel. We took the Dremmel with a metal cutting disc and started cutting. Be careful anytime you cut metal there maybe sparks! Make sure to wear protective eye wear unlike Willie =)

Lay the funnel on top of the hole to insure it's the proper size and then go on to the next step

Willie grinding the hole
Step 2: Once we had the hole cut we took the grinder attachment and smoothed the edges of the circle. We wanted to insure there wouldn't be any accidents with sharp edges. Safety is key to a wonderful hunt!

hole after grinding

Once the hole is all smooth it will look like this. It should be the proper size and look just about like ours did.

Step 3: Place the funnel over hole and mark the holes for the screws. Remove the funnel and proceed to drill each one out.

Funnel after attaching
Step 4: Once holes are drilled place the funnel over the hole and proceed to screw it in place. Now the funnel is attached to the bottom of your barrel and will look similar to our's. Once that's in place it's time to install the motor!

Step 5: This part is nice to have a second person to help you hold the motor. Place the motor over the funnel and mark each screw hole to be placed. Remove motor and drill out each marked hole. Once the hole's are drilled place motor over funnel and screw into place.

Now that the motor's in place all you have left to do is make the tri-pod to set it on=) Our feeder costed us around $50.00 to make compared to a feeder at Wal-mart for $89.00. Plus we have a 55 gallon compared to a 30 gallon feeder. I will do a explain it all when we do the stand for it over the next few days. Please enjoy and give it a try.

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